This has to be one of my favourite parts of the filming process, putting it all together.
Luckily I’ve been brought up using Mac’s and final cut pro so this wasn’t foreign territory for me. We uploaded all of the rushes onto one of the Macs at Uni. But because everyone in our team had different weekly commitments we did most of the editing on my laptop using final cut express. This just allowed us more freedom for when we could get together and work, and then we weren’t restrained to booking time in the editing suite on campus.
Everyone in the team seemed to have similar ideas of how we wanted our film to look and feel, so making discussions was easy.
A mutual friend of Elspeth and I is a musician and he very kindly wrote the main piece of music. We did also use some music from K.P.M. Music Company, which we needed a licence for. Unfortunately this licence hadn’t cleared before our film was uploaded to you-tube. So these 'corporate bastards' were surprisingly quick to catch onto this, and flagged us for copyright. Hopefully this is all sorted now.
Also when we came to export our final copy of the film we discovered that a few scenes were letterboxed whereas others weren’t. This was only so weird because we hadn’t adjusted any of the settings between edits. The looking at the original footage they were there too. So perhaps this was something that actually happened whilst we were filming. It only occurs during the bedroom scenes, which was the first location we shot in.
I felt really pleased with the final cut, and I believe everybody else in the group did too. I think we got as much out of the film as the effort we put into it.
And for something a little bit different.... Here in all it's glory is our finished piece.
Script Writing
Now that the editing process is over, I have already started considering the next project, for which we write our own scripts. Until this year, I had never written a script in my life. I was encouraged by my creative writers workshop tutor Joe Roberts to start reading and writing scripts now to help me focus my ideas. I was also really excited when my screenplays from amazon came through, Tarantino's Inglorious Bastards, Ritchie's Snatch, Curtis' Six Weddings and Two Funerals (a collection of Love Actually, Notting Hill, and Four Weddings and a Funeral) and Singer's The Usual Suspects.
I have been researching other directors and their work/careers. Floria Sigismondi particularly fascinates me. I have become such an avid fan of her style. Sigismondi began her career as a fashion photographer, and then made the jump to directing music videos. Her clients have include artists such as David Bowie, Marilyn Manson, Bjork, The Raconteurs and Christina Aguilera to name a few. This year she brings out her first feature film The Runaways (2010) based on the story of the band of which Joan Jett was part of. The Film stars Dakota Fanning and Kristen Stewart.
Below are a couple of her videos, Postmortem Bliss is a short film she directed in 2006 and Sigismondi's music video for The White Stripes Blue Orchid (2005)
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