The editing process went really well. Annabel our main editor was beyond fantastic. She is a total perfectionist which is brilliant because it meant that every scene is cut beautifully.
The images that I have inserted are just to support what I'm going to reflect, they are not the actual editing images unfortunately, but screen shots that I have taken from Final Cut Express.
The images that I have inserted are just to support what I'm going to reflect, they are not the actual editing images unfortunately, but screen shots that I have taken from Final Cut Express.
We were using Final Cut Pro software again, which I think we're all starting to get the hang of. But this was the first time I had ever really learnt about colour correction. We were fortunate enough to be given the help of Jamie Worsfold going over our colour grading so that they look just right for the showing at the Little Theatre tomorrow.
Below are some examples of how colour correction changes the image. The first image is slightly under exposed, there's a lot of black due to the fact that it's not very well lit.
By adjusting the mid-tones and the saturation we can lift the image to bring out more of the whites.
The editing process was much longer with this film than the one we made before Christmas. This is partly down to the documentary style of the film, but also I think due to the fact that we were only using the Broadcast Lab macs rather than the convenience of a laptop. However this was perfectly fine as we had our rough cut and final cut ready in plenty of time.
I did begin to feel that towards the end of the edit, there were a lot of shots we probably should have re-taken as it left the impression on me that it really looked like a typical student film... and I had hoped to make something exceptional. I also felt as though maybe the story line could have done with a little bit more just to explain why Owen went so crazy. But as we had 15mins of film which we had to cut down to 8mins, there wasn't much we could do to save the pace of the film.
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